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Team Talk

Agile HR

Agile isn't for Tech Anymore

It is transforming how organizations hire, develop, and manage their people to support their firm on the way to be agile. It is a move away from a rules- and planning-based approach toward a simpler and faster model of HR - Human resources must become suited for adapting to near term.


Agile Learning

In any given moment we have two options: to step forward into growth or to step back into safety.

The ability to learn is defining characteristics of being human; the ability to continue learning is an essential skill of leadership. When leaders lose that ability, they inevitable falter. When any of us lose that ability, we no loger grow.

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The Agile Learning Organization

Key changes we need to make in our Approach, Set up and Technology

The emphasis in Agile is that learning should be easy. Instead of using benchmark figures and best practices, employees should be given the freedom and flexibility to experiment, improvise and absorb new information and apply the knowledge in fresh concept

Team Talk

Agile Leaders

How can you develop agility as a leader, to be a role model for others to follow?

As an Agile Leader you need to learn to read and react to often rapidly changing circumstances with a mindset that is not locked in the past or present. This cognitive act of ‘reading and reacting’ to the situation and making sense of what it means for you and your organization is critical for becoming an agile leader, which is very similar to behavior of an elite sport athletes. 

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